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"Discover How This Simple Procedure Can Transform Your Jawline!" Visual: Split-screen image showing a 'before' and 'after' photo of a person who underwent masseter Botox treatment.

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Masseter Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that relaxes the masseter muscles in your jaw. It is commonly used to achieve a slimmer, more defined jawline or to alleviate teeth grinding (bruxism).

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Benefits of Masseter BotoxBullet Points: – Slimmer, more contoured jawline – Relief from teeth grinding and jaw clenching – Reduction in facial tension and pain

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"Visible Changes You Can Expect" "Patients often see a softer, more contoured jawline within 2-4 weeks. Changes in facial shape become more pronounced as the masseter muscles relax.

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How Does It Work?  "Botox injections are placed directly into the masseter muscles. The neurotoxin temporarily blocks nerve signals, causing the muscle to relax and shrink over

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Who is It For?Bullet Points: – People seeking a slimmer, V-shaped jawline – Those suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding) or TMJ pain – Individuals looking for a non-surgical option for facial contouring

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Risks and Side EffectsBullet Points: – Mild swelling or bruising at the injection site – Temporary soreness in the treated area – Rare chance of asymmetry if not done by a professional

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How Long Do Results Last? "Results last for 3-6 months on average. Regular touch-ups are required to maintain the contoured look and to continue the therapeutic benefits for bruxism.